Pros and Cons of Online Dating
Trying to find a date online can be fun and less satiating at the same time. However, given the current age of technological advancement, dating apps are ruling the roost not so surprisingly. Almost everyone owns a smart phone and has internet connection and is looking to fast-track his/her effort to find a cool and interesting person to date. But is online dating safe? Does it even come close to real face-to-face dating? Let us have a look the pros and cons of online dating.
Real Vs Virtual Process:
While online dating can speed up the process of finding like-minded individuals with desirable characteristics, it can never quite match the face-to-face experience. You see only the pictures in online dating, but you can never say if they have been photo-shopped or enhanced and whether you can read their face with ease.
The more, the merrier?
Online dating can undoubtedly provide many more options for those seeking a date. You can browse through hundreds of like-minded people’s profiles. And you get access to conversations anytime, anywhere. It might help you manage your time better. But staying glued to phone or tablets for long duration is not medically advisable. Plus, more profiles mean more sifting and meticulous short-listing. You may find asking someone out the old-fashioned way better, after staying hooked to these addictive dating apps for a long time. Being spoilt for choices isn’t always the best thing to happen to you.
Is there chemistry?
There is no denying the fact that the chemistry you find offline and the sparks that fly when you go on a real, one-on-one date are way more effective than chatting or talking through online dating. ‘Seeing is believing.’ When you meet on a date at a lounge or restaurant, you are far surer of your feelings and even more confident. However, the idea of romance is subjective, and not absolute.
While online dating has simplified the process for many, it can soon become equally tiresome and boring. Your entire approach to seeking fun and thrill with someone special or interesting may end up being a defeated purpose. Depending on your patience and knowledge of self and the other person, you can choose what fits the bill for you and suits your needs. It may not necessarily yield the desired results, but it’s surely worth giving a shot. Never mind the incessant notifications and messages in this increasingly-digitised and ever-shrinking world.